#16 - Kristian Thacker - July 22, 2017 - Fairmont, West Virginia

I first met Kristian Thacker in person just minutes before this photo shoot. However, we have have been friends online for many years. We both studied photography in college and we both worked for years as photographer assistants in the Washington, DC area until we segued our way into freelance photography jobs.  Kristian is an impressive photographer and takes assignments from the New York Times and other publications and clients. Give a look at his site here.  He makes incredible portraits.

Kristian was born and grew up in West Virginia, but has spent time living in the DC and Pittsburgh areas. He now lives in and works out of the Fairmont, West Virginia and maintains an office in a 1930's era building in the downtown area.  I made the bulk of the photos for this shoot in and around his office.  We even found an Irving Penn inspired corner to make a frame.

Prior to the shoot, Kristian mentioned that he would like to photograph a roll of me with my camera.  I thought it was a pretty interesting idea. So the next day, Kristian made photos of me around his home.    It was a good reminder for me how the experience of being photographed feels.   I'll post Kristian's photos of me in the next blog post.
