#19 - Rebecca Gillette Ward and Patricia Gillette - August 26, 2017 - Manassas, Virginia

I met Rebecca a few years ago at a concert and documentary film screening (Rebecca is in the documentary for a few moments) and for the band N.E.D.  (which is a medical term for "no evidence of disease").  I volunteered my photography services making images of the concert and of the women who shared their story about their cancer survival. Coincidentally, Rebecca and I both discovered that we had cancer at the age of 47. She had a rare form of uterine cancer and I had thyroid cancer.   Rebecca's mother and grandmother also had ovarian cancer in their mid-40s.

I photographed Rebecca with her mother who was visiting from Arizona. Her mother is a long term cancer survivor.  I photographed them in my backyard "studio".  With my 520 Film Project, I only shoot ten frames (one roll) per subject/session. Rebecca and her mother brought their hats - but I forgot to ask them to put them on as we started off shooting the roll without hats, I mistakenly shot the whole roll - no hats! This is why it is helpful to have extra folks (stylist, assistant, art director, etc.) on a shoot - they often help remind you of things you aren't seeing/remembering.
So - I went and grabbed my digital camera and made a few frames - with hats! The hats were important because Rebecca told me she wore the one in the photo to cover her head during chemo.

